Esprit awarded for its organic canteen

Esprit is a pioneer in terms of canteen food and offers their employees a holistic organic food concept. Besides Esprit Mensaverein Ronsdorf e. V., HDI Service AG, LWL-Kliniken Münster and Lengerich, Landesschulen NRW as well as Rebional GmbH got awarded as well.

During the honor ceremony the minister Ursula Heinen-Esser from North-Rhine-Westphalia said that the six award-winning companies lead the way for the entire industry, set standards and provide orientation for colleagues.

Organic food has become indispensable in many households across the country, however, it still seems to be an exception in company canteens. That’s why the government wants to promote the marketing of organic food in out-of-home catering and launched the project “NRW cooks with organic food” in January 2019.