9 三月 2020
Investing in the future: Esprit builds new digital platform
Esprit’s e-commerce platform is being revamped to create a more inspiring way to connect with customers.
The project is made in partnership with Salesforce, the market leader in customer relationship management. Esprit invests around 40 million Euro in the upgrade.
An enhanced customer experience is at the core of Esprit’s digital strategy. “Part of our digital strategy is to build a site that continues to grow and delight our customers with our brand stories, and great product expression. The cooperation with Salesforce fits perfectly into this approach,” says Leif Erichson, Chief Digital & Operations Officer at Esprit.
Using Artificial Intelligence technology, Esprit will deliver more individualized communication to customers, such as style suggestions and the possibility to filter functionalities like sustainable materials, style and fit.
The new platform is already implemented in the UK since January. Austria will follow in Spring / early Summer, Germany in Summer, and the remaining countries in the course of next year.
An enhanced customer experience is at the core of Esprit’s digital strategy. “Part of our digital strategy is to build a site that continues to grow and delight our customers with our brand stories, and great product expression. The cooperation with Salesforce fits perfectly into this approach,” says Leif Erichson, Chief Digital & Operations Officer at Esprit.
Using Artificial Intelligence technology, Esprit will deliver more individualized communication to customers, such as style suggestions and the possibility to filter functionalities like sustainable materials, style and fit.
The new platform is already implemented in the UK since January. Austria will follow in Spring / early Summer, Germany in Summer, and the remaining countries in the course of next year.